NOTE: This website is not being updated and will soon be deleted. 'Become Committed' has been relocated to
See you there!
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code BCOMMITD.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!
An article by Anne-Chloé Destremau
If something is possible, it means you or someone else has already done it before. Otherwise, how would you know that it is possible?
And if something has already been done, why would you want to do the exact same thing again? Will that fulfill the deepest longings that are throbbing away in your heart and soul? Will that feed you the way you have been dreaming of for so long?
Is doing something that can already be done serving the community or your destiny? If this job has been done before then perhaps it is not your job to do now. Probably it was the job of the person who did it.
So what is your job? What is this thing that the Universe, Gaia, and humanity are waiting for you to do? What is this thing that life has actually brought you on Earth to do
Commitment is a force of Nature.
Commitment is a Bright Principle. It is a facet of Responsibility and Archetypal Love.
Who Are You When You Commit?
Committing changes the shape of your Being, so that what you have truly committed to happens because you have become the person who has committed for it to happen.
The impossibilities that your Box and Gremlin would come up with vanish under the weight of the force of your Commitment.
Commitment has no back doors.
Committing To Someone Else's Commitment
Committing to someone else's commitment is an Archetypal Offer for Intimacy.
Committing to someone else's commitment is not rescuing. It is not doing it for them. Doing it from them is Low Drama. You say: "you cannot do it, therefore I will do it for you". You put them in a victim position and you in the rescuer position. It is not even finding solution for them that they did not ask for (or even if they ask for them).Committing to someone else's commitment is removing your own personal resistance (aka unconscious Fear) to the success of other people's wild ideas, projects, dreams, or visions, especially those that freak your own Box out.
Do you have the experience that your environment is fighting you? That you have to fight against immense pressure to create what you matters to you? Wanna what this is? It is people's resistance to your own commitment. What you are wanting to create freaks them out. The only way they have learn to deal with their Fear is to 'kill' the thing that makes them afraid. How do they do that? They put full breaks on to your ideas, project and dreams.
Guess who else does that with other people's wildness? Yes... you! Unconsciously. You have been resisting committing to your partner's commitment, to your children's commitment, to your Teams' commitment, ... My guess is that you have been resisting other people's commitment for so long and so forcefully that you do not even know what the people you love are truly committed to.Warning! Committing to someone else's commitment is not about committing to other people's Gremlin or Box commitments. This is not committing to their Box wishes for comfort or survival, not committing to their Gremlin's wished for feeding frenzy. This is about committing to someone else's true commitment, the commitment of their Being, their Bright Principles, their Archetypal Lineage or their Quest.Committing to someone else's Commitment is also not about diverting your Time, Attention, Love to someone else's Quest. Committing to someone else's Commitment includes the success of other people's Commitment in your Commitment, their Quests into your Quest.
There is no method.
Just Like That
Facebook post from Greta Thunberg on 22 April 2022.
"School strike week 192. This is not a “happy earth day”. It never has been. #EarthDay has turned into an opportunity for people in power to post their “love” for the planet, while at the same time destroying it at maximum speed. #PeopleNotProfit #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike"
192 weeks.
This is Commitment.
Commitment is not self-manipulation into doing what you already want to do. Commitment is not an external pressure mechanism.
Commitment is shifting the shape of your Being so that what you commit to creating, is created. No matter what.
The question: "should I go strike today?" does not even appear for Greta.
The considerations of cold, hunger, usefullness, uselessness, emotional reactivity, what other people think or want become so irrelevant they fade into the background of the ecstasy of Commitment.
Commitment cannot be willed into existence.
Commitment is the result of a sincere outrage (Conscious Anger) at how things are and a true longing for something completely different from this to exist.
192 weeks.
Just like that.Streaks
by Seth Godin
Today’s the 11th year in a row of daily posts on this blog. Nearly 5,000,000 words since my first post twenty years ago, and I haven’t missed a day (given some time-zone wiggle room) since 2008.
Streaks are their own reward.
Streaks create internal pressure that keeps streaks going.
Streaks require commitment at first, but then the commitment turns into a practice, and the practice into a habit.
Habits are much easier to maintain than commitments.
I’m pretty sure that the blog would still have an impact if I missed a day here or there, but once a commitment is made to a streak, the question shifts from, “should I blog tomorrow,” to, “what will tomorrow’s blog say?”
And once you’ve made that shift, it’s 100x easier to find the voice that you’re looking for.
I didn’t set out to have this particular streak (I don’t remember the day the blog went from ‘most days’ to ‘every day’) but I’m glad to have gone on this journey.
Thanks for being part of it.
... about commitment
Minimizing Now
Commit to yourself...
now, and now, and now
Commit to what somebody else's commitment (Possibility Listening)
This means developing Possibility Listening. Listen for what your partner is committed to and then commit to that. Most of us do not really know what our partner, our children, or our boss are committed to. It may be to finish knitting a sweater by Christmas, or to do 500 pushups, or to open a successful restaurant, or to spend some weekend hours totally relaxing. We all have both conscious and unconscious commitments. Many of the unconscious commitments that we are most fiercely committed to fulfilling are irresponsible. This experiment is not like Bonnie’s commitment to Clyde’s irresponsible habit of bank robbing. This experiment is about listening for and committing to your partner’s responsible commitments.
Transformation Sucks - Clinton Callahan (Matrix Code NC-RADIO.13)
The Mechanics of Commitment
A powerful principle used for commitment is minimizing now (start 6min45)